Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Oprah Winfrey Network and a mini-Mind Dump

The new issue of Blackboard is out, Northwestern University's African-American student magazine, and if you go to Northwestern University, America's greatest university according to Gawker, like I do you should pick up a copy. And if you want a taste, here's my article about the strengths and weaknesses of the new Oprah Winfrey Network or OWN.


Plus clicking on links now opens a new tab instead of directing you away from the page. Thank Time for that.

And as a bonus here are two of the more recent mind dump style ideas that have been floating around in my head.

A porn version of Thor called Whor

I had a dream where the upcoming Nintendo consoles was nothing more than a gaming laptop, screen and everything, that just plugged into a TV and had the word Nintendo written on it. What's funny is that it probably won't be that powerful.

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